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    DElight Party 結果共2筆

  • New Taipei’s Christmasland to light up skies with sculptures

    New Taipei’s annual Christmasland, opening on November 17, will feature stunning light sculptures and kick off a series of festive activities. Deputy Mayor Liu Ho-jan expects a record-breaking turnout of 7.7 million visitors this year. A pop concert on December 9 and 10 will further enhance the holiday spirit. The New Taipei Christmas Market, themed the "Santa gift box," will delight attendees with local gourmet foods and tourism factories from December 1 to 3. Additionally, the German Trade Office Taipei will host a Christmas party from December 15 to 17, showcasing an authentic German Christmas village in the downtown area.
    2023/10/30 13:53
  • 粉絲玩真的!曾邀SJ出席KKBOX 銀赫嚇傻「真的有」揭內幕

    有韓流帝王封號的「Super Junior」(SJ)子團「SJ-D&E」舉辦「DElight Party」世界巡迴見面會,海外首站就獻給台灣,昨(30)晚在台北國際會議中心舉行第2場,對於歌迷不離不棄守候,感性的東海表示情侶可能2、3年就會變心,「但我們一起走過18年,我每天都會想這個問題,大家的愛真的太大了,希望你們知道,我們想要盡力回報給你們,到死之前都希望跟你們在一起。」
    2023/07/31 10:41
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